5th Tuesday Net

On air gathering after the cookout for general chat and updates! 146.46 repeater. Who will be net control???

Experimenter’s Cookout

Charlie's back yard.... various experiments, bring something you want to work on, or help out others working on their experiments. See group e-mail for details. The evening starts with cookout food/ pot luck food (if you want to bring something...) The back yard has space to try putting up an antenna and seeing if it… Read More »

Net- First Tues 9PM

146.46 MHz Repeater

Open net, 2 Meter DSRC repeater

Pre-Meeting Tailgating at Red Cross

Behind the Red Cross building, 707 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction, NJ

Weather permitting, we gather on folding chairs to chat before the meeting in the Red Cross Parking lot.

Net 9PM!

on our 2 meter repeater


Informal Net, Cushla will be net control!

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