MORE Project Resource Page

This page provides links to materials that we will be using (or may refer to) in the MORE Project to assist with training, licensing, and Get On The Air (GOTA) activities of new Technician amateur radio operators. These links should not be construed as an endorsement of any individual, organization, information or product. Contents of the material at the links are the property of their authors or assignees.


  • How to get an amateur radio license:
  • Limor Fried (aka Ladyada), Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of Adafruit Industries, took and passed all 3 amateur radio exams in one VE session at ABC Studios in NYC. This video documents and celebrates this accomplishment and provides tips for those who are studying:
  • The Eastern Pennsylvania Section of the ARRL has a “What Hams Do” series of videos, featuring interviews and information about a broad range of topics in which amateur radio operators are involved:
  • Every Single Minute is a Cold War era (1959) documentary about the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club’s preparedness and emergency operations in Philadelphia and Montgomery County PA. Footage includes response to the devastating August 1955 Delaware River flood. While radio technology has advanced in recent years, many basic communications protocols remain constant, ensuring the ability to quickly deploy Hams, when and where they are needed.
  • MORE videos to be added soon!

Radio License Exam Practice

  • Randomized tests from the question pool, weighted according to the proportion of items that will appear in the actual exam:
  • HamStudy by SignalStuf is the Website that Ladyada used to practice for her ham exams. She likes it because it can track the questions that you’ve been missing, and will repeat those at various intervals to help you remember the correct answers. Go here to get started:
  • MORE practice exam sites to be added soon!


The MORE Project would like to express concern about the continued demographically biased use of images of radio operators in many publications. While we are recommending the below study materials because of their technical content, we continue to urge publishers to use a wider representation of people (as we do in our lecture slidesets) that is MORE reflective of the fact that Amateur Radio is OPEN TO ALL.

Quick Radio Reference Materials

Get On The Air (GOTA)


Software Defined Radio

The MORE Project encourages experimentation with Software Defined Radio (SDR) to prepare for Get On The Air (GOTA) activities. No license is needed for listening!

Scouting & Amateur Radio


  • In the Electrical Principles section of the Technician study materials, there’s mention of current flow vs. electron flow in electrical circuits. Here’s an illustrative webpage that explains the confusion over this terminology. Tap the 3 buttons at the top of the page to see the animation.
  • MORE electronics information to be added soon!


This Webpage is maintained by Rebecca Mercuri K3RPM. To report errors or provide links that you would like considered for addition to this page, please send an email to using the subject line MORE Project Resource Links along with the relevant information in the body of your message.