2 Meter Net 3/12/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Join us for an informal net on our club 2 Meter Repeater ( http://n2re.org/about-us/dsrc-2-meter-repeater )Note: Pi Day is coming up!

2 Meter Net 3/26/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Join us for an informal net on our club 2 Meter Repeater ( http://n2re.org/about-us/dsrc-2-meter-repeater )

2 Meter Net- 4/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Our weekly on-air gathering on our repeater

DSRC Net 4-23

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This is a fourth-Tuesday. All are welcome, come join the conversation.

2-meter net DSRC

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This being a "Fifth Tuesday" we will have a guest net-control... newcomers invited.

NET! May 7 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

on our 2 meter repeater... general interest net

NET June 3, 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

Field Day is approaching, let's pause and say hi at our weekly 2 meter net

Net June 11

146.46 MHz Repeater

Informal Net to share experiences and ideas. Newcomers welcome.

Net 2 meters 9pm

146.46 MHz Repeater

DSRC weekly net... just after Field Day... time to check in and find out who has your coax...

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