2 Meter Net 3/26/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Join us for an informal net on our club 2 Meter Repeater ( http://n2re.org/about-us/dsrc-2-meter-repeater )

2 Meter Net- 4/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Our weekly on-air gathering on our repeater

DSRC Net 4-23

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This is a fourth-Tuesday. All are welcome, come join the conversation.

2-meter net DSRC

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This being a "Fifth Tuesday" we will have a guest net-control... newcomers invited.

NET! May 7 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

on our 2 meter repeater... general interest net

NET June 3, 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

Field Day is approaching, let's pause and say hi at our weekly 2 meter net

Net June 11

146.46 MHz Repeater

Informal Net to share experiences and ideas. Newcomers welcome.

Net 2 meters 9pm

146.46 MHz Repeater

DSRC weekly net... just after Field Day... time to check in and find out who has your coax...

July 23 Tuesday Net 9pm

Check in.. how's your summer going? What's news in Ham Radio 146.46 repeater

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