MS-150 Bicycle Ride – Route monitors

Southern NJ

Two day event run by Multiple Sclerosis Society. See prior year's wrap up for more info. DSRC assists with communications. The NJ Bike Ride website is HERE And the next weekend there is a one day Delaware one HERE


2023 ARRL SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST (SET)Both NJ Sections will participate in the 2023 National SimulatedEmergency Test (SET) on Saturday morning, October 14th. The objectiveswill include setting up emergency radio communications and processingtactical and formal messages for American Red Cross shelters duringsimulated severe weather events. DSRC members interested inparticipating please contact Mercer Emergency Coordinator (*EC*)John Pugh… Read More »

NYC Marathon 11/5/2023

Via the site club members volunteer for this massive event. Laura notes: "there is interest in volunteering for the main NY marathon event, please note John F and I volunteered at Mile 19. The sign up may ask what part of the route you’d prefer to be stationed. No guarantee it’s the final assignment,… Read More »

Winter Field Day- Sunday deployment

This year's Winter Field Day is two events for N2RE. We will set up on Saturday, then take it down before dark. Even though Sunday looks like rain, we will return to Woodlot Park in Kendall Park, NJ for another day of ham radio. Note: Start and end times are approximate. This is a sort… Read More »

Pi Day 3.14 UTC (2024)

3.14 is Pi... so 3/14 is Pi Day... Contact our Special Event Station "N3P" On The Air! To learn more: Visit our special PI DAY Webpage: Note: In North America, Pi Day begins the night BEFORE 3.14 UTC.

2 Meter Net- 4/24

146.46 MHz Repeater

Our weekly on-air gathering on our repeater

DSRC Net 4-23

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This is a fourth-Tuesday. All are welcome, come join the conversation.

2-meter net DSRC

146.46 MHz Repeater

We gather on the 2-meter repeater on Tuesdays other than our club meeting Tuesday. This being a "Fifth Tuesday" we will have a guest net-control... newcomers invited.

(Museum Ships Weekend 2024)


Our neighbors at the Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station (NJ2BB) coordinate a celebration of Ship Museums... on "Museum Ships Weekend" June 1st and 2nd UTC. At least 92 ships will be on the air during that 48 hour period. See their website for modes and frequencies they may be using, and several more… Read More »

Field Day Preparation Party

Come to the DSRC Field Day site to prepare for a quick set up Saturday Morning. Many hands make light work Location: From Rocky Hill: Route 518 one mile east of Rocky Hill bridge UP the hill. Turn Left at the second left turn-- the one that doesn't have a wooden gate From Kendall Park,… Read More »

ARRL Field Day

Setup Saturday, contest begins at 2 PM. Operate until 2 PM Sunday, then pack it up! Objective- To contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal… Read More »

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