DSRC Monthly Meeting 5/2024

American Red Cross, 707 Alexander Road, Suite 101, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Meeting at the Red Cross Building to discuss upcoming events and technical topics. More details soon! NOTE: No food in the building, but come to our informal pre-meeting dinner. The building’s website: https://www.redcross.org/local/new-jersey/about-us/locations/central-new-jersey.htmlEnter from parking lot side

(Museum Ships Weekend 2024)


Our neighbors at the Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station (NJ2BB) coordinate a celebration of Ship Museums... on "Museum Ships Weekend" June 1st and 2nd UTC. At least 92 ships will be on the air during that 48 hour period. See their website https://nj2bb.org/museum/ for modes and frequencies they may be using, and several more… Read More »

NET June 3, 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

Field Day is approaching, let's pause and say hi at our weekly 2 meter net

Net June 11

146.46 MHz Repeater

Informal Net to share experiences and ideas. Newcomers welcome.

DSRC June Meeting 2024

American Red Cross, 707 Alexander Road, Suite 101, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Meeting at the Red Cross Building to discuss upcoming events and technical topics. More details soon! NOTE: No food in the building, but come to our informal pre-meeting dinner. The building’s website: https://www.redcross.org/local/new-jersey/about-us/locations/central-new-jersey.htmlEnter from parking lot side

Field Day Preparation Party

Come to the DSRC Field Day site to prepare for a quick set up Saturday Morning. Many hands make light work Location: From Rocky Hill: Route 518 one mile east of Rocky Hill bridge UP the hill. Turn Left at the second left turn-- the one that doesn't have a wooden gate From Kendall Park,… Read More »

ARRL Field Day

Setup Saturday, contest begins at 2 PM. Operate until 2 PM Sunday, then pack it up! Objective- To contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal… Read More »

ARES: June Open House

"Open houses" are held in conjunction with ARES/RACES drills on thelast Monday of each month (except December and May) at 7:00 PM atboth the American Red Cross, 707 Alexander Rd (2 blocks east ofRt 1, use rear entrance) and at the Mercer County EOC located at theDempster Fire Training Academy on Lawrence Station Road, which… Read More »

Net 2 meters 9pm

146.46 MHz Repeater

DSRC weekly net... just after Field Day... time to check in and find out who has your coax...

July 23 Tuesday Net 9pm

Check in.. how's your summer going? What's news in Ham Radio 146.46 repeater

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