Weekly 2 Meter Net

Turn on your 2 meter FM radio and join the group. All welcome, Net Control will call at 9 PM, get on the list by answering Net Control's call for… Read More »

Pre-meeting Wegmans gathering 11/23

All are invited to join an informal pre-meeting dinner at Wegmans,240 Nassau Park Blvd, Princeton, NJ 08540 any time after 6:00 PM.They have a wide variety of prepared food choices… Read More »

November 2023 Club Meeting

American Red Cross, 707 Alexander Road, Suite 101, Princeton, NJ 08540.

This month Tom Preiser N2XW, ARRL Southern New Jersey SectionManager, will host a presentation about the ARRL followed by aquestion and answer session.  Other items on the agenda include: We… Read More »


Two Meter Net

146.46 MHz Repeater

Held the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:00 PM local time on the N2RE 2-Meter repeater.The net is open to all radio amateurs

Holiday Party 2023

In place of a December meeting, we gather for Chinese Food and gift exchange! Annual Ham Radio Christmas Party - China Grill Buffet 101 Marketplace Dr., Trenton (Hamilton), NJ 08691… Read More »

Second Tuesday 2 Meter Net

146.46 MHz Repeater

All are welcome to join in on our repeater for a check-in style net.

Special 2 Meter Net Night

146.46 MHz Repeater

Traditionally we do not meet in person on our usual meeting night in December (see "Holiday Party 2023") But when you are home from shopping, why not check in at… Read More »

2 Meter Net

146.46 MHz Repeater

Tuesdays except for meeting night we gather for an informal net on the repeater. Come tell us of your holiday activities in a relaxed atmosphere!

2 meter net

146.46 MHz Repeater

Weekly net. Our weekly net on the DSRC 2 Meter Repeater. Join in at 9 PM.

Radio Merit Badge Day 2024

David Sarnoff Radio Club members are invited to help with this Scouting event: It’s the time of year when we recruit Amateur Radio Operators to assist with the annual Radio… Read More »


2 Meter Net Jan 9, 2024

146.46 MHz Repeater

Don, AK2S will be net control for our weekly net on the DSRC 2 Meter Repeater. Join in at 9 PM.

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