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Pi Day 2021- 3.14 Special Event Station

March 14, 2021

Join us for our annual celebration of PI Day – March 14th which is 3.14 or the first three digits of π. PI is an interesting number which never repeats or ends; kind of irrational.

Running on March 14, 2021 from midnight EST to midnight EDT it is also a celebration of the birth of noted Princeton resident Albert Einstein. On a sad note, it also it marks the passing of physicist Stephen Hawking.

To obtain a QSL card send your card with CALLSIGN, UTC, BAND, MODE and STATE to:
Bob Uhrik, WA2BSP,
104 Knoll Way,
Rocky Hill, NJ 08553 USA.
  Please include an SASE.

Members of our Princeton-based club will be using the club callsign N2RE.

Operating frequencies (approximate) 14.250, 7.200, SSB; 7.050, 14.050 CW  or on our 146.46 repeater

(members: see your e-mail for more details)



March 14, 2021
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