Links to rules and exposure calculations for Amateur Radio Stations
Below are links copied from the ARRL and other sources. The lists are not complete and links may be out of date. It is a starting point for research. (page started, May 2021)
Ria’s Shack, a channel on Youtube, ( ) has provided a video for this page: We will use it in our meeting in May 2021.
TWO RF Exposure Calculators– mentioned in the above video:
- (written and shared by ‘Paul Evans, VP9KF (G4BKI)’.
- ( RF Exposure Calculator – Lake Washington Ham Club derived from a public domain BASIC program written by Wayne Overbeck N6NB and published in the January, 1997 issue of CQ VHF, p. 33)
DIG DEEPER: Here’s a helpful FAQ handout from ARRL: This PDF includes a link to an online RF Exposure calculator.
EVEN DEEPER: RF Exposure and You, a 316-page book published by ARRL, is available for free download here:
The ARRL’s notice about the rules change is here:
ARRL also suggests this 1998 article about RF Safety at Field Day: Some info may need to be updated due to the new rules, but this provides a good description about how to perform the site evaluation.