W6NBC Speaks at June Club Meeting

By | June 30, 2023

Our June 2023 club meeting was held in Rocky Hill, NJ and via Webex. Our featured speaker was John Portune, W6NBC and retired engineer/instructor at KNBC Channel 4 in Los Angeles, California. John offers a number of free talks using Zoom or Webex on topics ranging from specialized antennas to RF Shield Current Chokes.

His topic at the DSRC meeting was:

Easy to Build Inexpensive “Snooper” Probe for Detecting and Solving Stray RF on Your Coax and in Your Shack Also a revealing little-known new view of baluns. You may be surprised to learn, in this inside look, that they don’t only belong just at the antenna.

The lecture was not recorded, but the slides are available for download from: http://w6nbc.com/slides/ Title “RF Shield Current Probe.pdf

His website also includes an article by John Portune W6NBC and Jim Bailey W6OEK about the probe. The article is available at: http://w6nbc.com/probe

We thank John for sharing his work with us!

The meeting also included planning for Field Day!