Thanks to Rob, KE3TI, for arranging to have our club meet at Tiger Labs innovation space in November. It was our first in-person club meeting in… gosh.. a long time. And thanks to Jamie, N2VVL, for arranging the Webex meeting and the special videoconferencing hardware!

Jamie announced that the 443.4 MHz repeater amplifier has been upgraded for increased reliability, and showed pictures of the rack-mounted repeater and controller, with the power supply and 100W amplifier.
The meeting topic was “show and tell” with Rob showing a battery pack for advanced batteries. He explained the many hazards of using these new, high energy batteries, and some precautions he took.

Don, AK2S, showed a precise clock display he built using multicolor LED displays. He talked about the challenges of time changes with Daylight Savings time.

Even though it was a dark and stormy night, we filled the room and paid for the space by passing the hat. Perhaps 10 others were able to attend via Webex, including Rebecca, K3RPM, who reported on our success with the M.O.R.E. project (and the need for more VE-qualified instructors– please consider volunteering!)
December has no meeting, and we are still determining where we will meet for our annual meeting in January, 2023. We hope to return to the renovated Red Cross Building.
We also talked about the upcoming Holiday Party and members interested in setting up in the field for Winter Field Day 2023.