Lots of photos of DSRC Winter Field Day are coming…. But here are a few.

Laura K2WWF notes that the parking lot at Woodlot Park has a row of electrical outlets!! The township does not allow generators, so we had to use their power this time. Thanks Laura for your organizing skills!

Ben AC2YD and Cushla KD2TCH set up Ben’s innovative HF Vertical. Notice that in the week since Laura surveyed the park, the snow all vanished! (It was still only in the 40s on Saturday)

Sunday was wet, and a bit colder. We moved under the Pavilion roof, slightly lower than Saturday’s grove location.
Laura, Charlie N2CTW, Ben and Fran N2FXO made plenty of contacts and stayed mostly dry in spite of rain and/or mist for the whole day Sunday.
Stay tuned for the big photo post of the event!