The Winter Field Day Association has gathered logs from participants, and as of April 1 they are final.
View the official results at
Here’s our analysis:

The first image shows everyone who submitted DAVID SARNOFF ARC logs.. Thanks to Bob Cardone, N2EIM and John DeGood, NU3E for raising out group score to 6136, and for having fun with it. Thanks to Ben Cahill, AC2YD for compiling our logs and teaching us how to use N1MM+ logging software. Note that we used 10 hours of the 24 hour period– it did get cold that night!

The second image shows how we did relative to others operating class “5Outdoor.” We did well eough to be in fourth place, with the third highest contact number. We were the best of the three non-southern five-transmitter outdoor stations in this class.
Our score of 5070 was pretty good, but congratulations go to the Orange County Amateur Radio Club, W6ZE who earned thirty-two times as many points as we did… 164,134 total. They made seventeen times as many contacts, and probably operated twice as many bands (sideband, cw, and digital) as we did.
There’s always next year…