POTA Activation Dec 5 2021

By | December 9, 2021
Dan Talks to Alabama with old Kingston Telegraph Office in Background

Dan, KD2FMW, an experienced Parks On The Air (POTA) event activator showed us how it is done, with an activation at the Kingston Lock. The activation went from 10 AM to 2:30 PM on Sunday, December 5th. Dan made 69 QSO’s. He started by talking to other Parks on the air “Park To Park” and some of our local stations on 20 Meters, but soon had his own pile-up on 40 Meters. Mostly Dan used SSB, but also 2 Meters FM and FT8.

The setup location was only a few yards from the 175 year old Kingston Telegraph office which served the D&R Canal lock, the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and the Kingston / Princeton community in the 19th Century.

Three other club members came to observe. Here are some photos!

For more about Parks on the Air, see parksontheair.com and the spotter site: pota.app