COVID-19 kept us from having a “club station” but lots of us got into the spirit of Winter Field Day this year.
From Our Organizer, Bob, N2EIM: I made 50 QSOs (49 cw and 1 ssb) on 20m. I tried vhf and uhf simplex but no responses. I did hear Deb on 146.520 but he didn’t hear me.
From Karl, KB2FA: First WFD for me. Worked yesterday opening to dusk 1O on 2m simplex. Only made a handful of contacts with half of them being non participant rag chews. 🙂 Still, got 3 logable contacts. (on paper) Planning to use the software from n3fjp that John posted about to create the Cabrillo file and submit for the club.

From Pat, K2PAT: Using a 5 watt HT, and hill-topping at 500′ to 600′, Pat made 2 contacts about 20 miles away in 1 hour and went home. Few contacts but a big pile of bonus points.

From Ben, AC2YD: I wish I could have earned bonus points for being cold, but that’s my usual station location, using my usual antenna … next project: remote operation!
Used battery power for the QRP rig (including laptop), but household A/C for the 2 heating pads (feet and lap/hands) and 1 space heater for trying to keep me warm. Special credit to the neck gaiter made by my XYL … helped immensely!
Worked 137 QSOs, and even got a good night’s sleep. I have a feeling that I didn’t miss a lot overnight. All on 20m and 40m, the only bands I can use with my Softrock rig … missed out on much higher multipliers if I could have used other bands.
Among the QSOs were 4 that, before Friday, I had no real intention of doing … SSB! 2 on 20m and 2 on 40m, just to get the band/mode multipliers. My little Softrock (with Quisk) “just worked” with the mic built into the laptop … did one trial Friday night, reaching a Texas POTA CQ on the first call! I’m impressed with what SSB can do on 2 watts!
… photo of me this morning trying to stay warm in the “radio shed” (really a walk-in shed for horses, but that’s where my rig is!).
From Rebecca, K3RPM: Anybody out there on 2M simplex?
From Bob,WA2BSP :Guess my signal Doesn’t make it.
From SKIP, N2EI: And a good time was had by all. 76 casual QRP QSOs across three bands operating 1H. Another WFD in the Log.

N2CTW temporary shack in the garage. Note Christmas Lights.

Windsurfer mast makes a reasonable tower.
From Charlie, N2CTW: I proved I could get on the air, then pulled the plug, went inside and got warm. 40M SSB and 2M FM