MORE Project Course Materials thru June 2026

This page contains lecture slides and Q&A materials used in the MORE Project Course, arranged by class sessions. Click on the slideset you want to view, use “Save Page As” in your browser to download. Some files are large, please be patient during downloading.

The MORE Project course materials are organized in accordance with Dan Romanchik’s No Nonsense Technician Class Study Guide (July 2022 to June 2026 Edition), which can be downloaded at

Note: This new book uses a stereotypical image of an amateur radio operator on the cover. We’ve spoken with the author but he refuses to change it. This is a good book, so we’ve continued to recommend it. Please know that amateur radio is open to ALL. Gradually we are starting to see broader representation of Hams in publications, but it will take a while longer to convince some of the OM (old men in Ham slang) to be more Open-Minded. If you’d like to provide some encouragement, email KB6NU at with your thoughts.

Session 1 — Introduction to the MORE Course; Radio Wave Characteristics (T3)

Session 2 — Electronic Components & Circuit Diagrams (T6); Electrical Principles (T5)

Session 3 — Antennas & Feed Lines (T9); Amateur Radio Signals (T8)

Session 4 — Electrical Safety (T0); Radio Practices & Station Setup (T4)

Session 5 — Station Equipment (T7); Operating Procedures (T2)

Session 6 — Rules & Regulations (T1); Q&A Review; Test Taking Tips

Session 7 — FCC Technician License Exam

Session 8 — Get On The Air