By Don Corrington, AK2S
This is the result of a meeting of the club officers. The purpose of the meeting was to define the requirements for each officer. In addition to other duties I decided the President would write a blurb for the newsletter that John, NU3E, puts out monthly. I have titled it “Presidents Blog”.
My first article will be about volunteering for club functions. I call it “Just Say Yes”. If you “Just Say Yes” when I call for volunteers it starts you on the road to a “Great Adventure” and you will have more help than you will know what to do with.
For example. When I started with AMSAT they asked me to lay out a PC board for RF up to 5 GHz! I knew nothing about layout a PCB let alone RF at 5GHz. Now, as a result of volunteering, I know how to use CAD software, PC board layout at RF which is very tricky I found out. I had a lot of help but the board is running well with the other RF boards from other designers.
So when I call for a volunteer just speak up and “Just Say Yes”.